
Our Work in the Environment

We are all profoundly affected by the natural and social environment in which we live. This includes the environment of our individual families, our jobs, our schools, and our local communities.

One of the Young Champions Outreach goals is to create an environment in which our children can nurture a commitment to lifelong physical fitness and a health-conscious lifestyle. Another goal is to create a refuge from the streets where children can gather after school and on weekends to learn and play sports or other recreation activities. Young Champions Outreach also strives to create a positive and inspiring environment in which students learn (1) trust because they feel it in the relationship between instructors/coaches and students; (2) mutual respect because they see it demonstrated in the relationship between instructors/coaches and students and among each other; and (3) how to establish and achieve personal goals because participation in our programs provides the opportunity to master and progress in a particular skill set.

We are proud of our ability to influence the environment of our students in a remarkable way that will carry them not only through childhood but throughout their lives.